Monday, January 12, 2009

My Interview by Willow

1.  I see from your blog that you are very much into quilting. How did you get started and what is your favorite quilt pattern?

I started quilting in the summer of 2006 when my aunt came to visit me and taught me how to use a sewing machine. My neighbor had just had a baby and I thought it would be a great idea to make a baby quilt since my aunt is a quilter and a quilt teacher (I actually thought she would say, "Oh, I can whip up a baby quilt in no you go!"). I HAD NO IDEA how difficult and time consuming it can be!  All the measuring and cutting and measuring and cutting and measuring...  But, it is very rewarding to create something that may last for a few lifetimes!  

My favorite quilt pattern is called Falling Blocks and it is gorgeous. I saw it at a Quilt Show in Roanoke, VA and I was amazed at the optical illusion it created and the labor that went into making such a beautiful quilt.

2.  What is your greatest accomplishment?

My thirty-two year marriage to my college sweetheart.  We eloped with $ .37 in our pockets when we were 21 years old and we've had lots of fun and heartache along the way, but he still makes me laugh every day.  It has taken a lot of discipline on my part not to smother him with a pillow while he slept at certain times in our lives, but I'm glad I didn't give in!  He is so funny and has been a wonderful husband and father.  And he says I'm his best audience.

3.  If you could chose anywhere in the world to live where would it be and why?
Shelter Island, NY.  I miss Long Island and I miss the quick accessibility to the water.  Where I live now is nice, and I'm grateful I live in such a lovely town in NJ, but I do miss being near the water.

4.  Other than your loved ones, what is your favorite possession?
Books.  I have a few favorites and they are like old friends I have spent time with over the years. I couldn't ever give them up or give them away.   

5.  Before blogging, what, if any, was your main mode of personal expression?
My big mouth.


OK, folks.  That's my interview.  Thank you Willow!  If you would like to be interviewed by me, please follow the directions below.  Thanks!

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the questions).
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


Tess Kincaid said...

Thank you, Francie! I've been married for 32 years to my college sweetheart, too. :^)

I've added your blog link to my post.

A Cuban In London said...

Thanks a lot for this interview. It's nice to have a snippet of your personality.

Greetings from London.

marc aurel said...

My five sisters-in-law are all quilters so we get one every once in a while. I love them. They are like folk mandalas.
(word verification: bedbacks)

Queenie Francie said...

thank you willow, cuban & marc for your kind comments :)

Chris said...

I have just noticed that you are following my blog. I clicked to check you out, and I nearly fell over when I saw Django Rhinehart on your music list. I mean, it is just so UNCOMMON. My husband is a huge jazz fan and we have been diligently watching all of the parts of the jazz documentary by Ken Burns. Anyway, now I'm following you.